顶点Aquaristik慷慨捐赠的120加仑罐站BRS游说。我们决定把坦克变成小丑鱼闺房水族馆并展示你的所有步骤。在第一节课中,我们建立了坦克从顶点。我们第一次看到这些坦克从顶点MACNA 2013。站是由铝框架,是固体。有很多选择的门可以很容易地移除改变外观或更好的是,在所有的水族馆设备。所有的面板可以很容易地移除——这是闻所未闻的,但所有的区别当想达到你所有设备礁。无框的坦克是超级锋利和包含一个玻璃纤维与可移动的堰溢流箱,以便容易清洗。为什么一个物种只盛满小丑?经过大量的研究和与很多人交谈,我们认为这将有利于展示成功的闺房小丑鱼罐。 We plan to start with fairly small juveniles from the same clutch where the dominance hierarchy has begun to be established. Having a 120 gallon tank will allow for enough habitat that they won't need to assert aggression but also places for less aggressive clownies to hide. Critical is developing a feeding schedule with adequate filtration techniques as well as reliable maintenance schedule to help maintain nutrient levels. For all of the Clownfish Harem tank video's checkout the playlist at http://brs.li/CFHarem