那么为什么他们称它为两部分而实际上是三部分呢?为什么我不能混合所有的东西,然后把它加到我的水箱里?这些问题以及更多问题将在本集BRStv中得到解答。在你的盐水水族馆中保持钙和碱性对珊瑚的健康和生长是至关重要的。珊瑚利用这些元素来形成它们的骨骼结构,一旦它们消耗了这些元素,你就需要补充它们。此外,你水族箱里的所有生物都需要稳定的碱度和pH值才能茁壮成长。两部分给药是达到这种一致性的好方法。混合溶液很容易。bob网络平台端口散装礁供应有2部分钙和碱度的总包,包括干材料以及做混合和存储的罐子。按照视频中的说明,在开始给药方案之前,一定要确保溶液完全溶解。 Note: Never mix the calcium and alkalinity to dose one solution. As soon as you mix them, the would instantly precipitate out and the solution would be useless. Most reefers keep the calcium of the tank around 420 ppm, alkalinity between 7-10 dKH and Magnesium at 1350 ppm. First determine the levels of your tank. Using the BRS Reef Calculator you can easily get directions on the proper dosage to increase your levels. Once your levels reach the desire amount, it is then essential to maintain those levels and that is where daily dosing comes in. You'll need to determine the amount your tank is consuming. First start by determining the volume of your tank and sump and whether your tank is high, medium or low demand. We recommend starting with a lower dose, testing and then raising the dose if necessary. It is always easier to add more than take away. Test and adjust, test and adjust, until you find the proper levels have stabled. Once you figure out the amount to add, always add it to a high flow area of the tank. Make this part of your daily schedule like feeding - do it all at once. So the final step in all of this is Magnesium. Magnesium is not consumed at the same rapid rate as calcium and alkalinity. Magnesium is important because it is the presence of magnesium that allows us to maintain high levels of calcium and alkalinity in the first place. So after you have dosed all calcium and alkalinity solutions (1 gallon of each), it is time to dose 20 ounces or 2 1/2 cups of the magnesium solution. Again, do this in a high flow area of the tank or in smaller amounts over time (but this isn't necessary). You won't need to dose magnesium again until after you dose another full gallon of calcium and full gallon of alkalinity. Making this process easier on yourself can be done by automating it with dosing pumps - one pump for each solution (calcium and alkalinity). Add an inexpensive outlet timer or control the function through an Apex or ReefKeeper. Bubble Magus, Vertex and Fauna Marin make dosers which can be programmed to your specific needs. Are you dosing two part in your reef tank? What is your set up for two part dosing?