我们最近推出了Skimz产品线在br。Skimz真正提炼他们的线,我们是超级兴奋地将其添加到br系列产品!Skimz撇油器包括少数撇油器的独特特性未见其他模型。他们实现了一个螺旋闸阀激活。所有的撇油器还包括一个阀门调节空气流入回收船的数量。调节空气的流动是很重要的,因为他们使用泵由伊甸园。这些撇油器能够把大量空气,可以使泵。有能力控制的空气量的优化是一个很好的特性回收船。Skimz产生一种受欢迎的直流水泵撇油器以及一个小挂挡热,但他们最创新的模型是椭圆形的除油船。典型的撇油器往往会导致浪费的空间,因为他们的奇怪的形状和大小。 The oval skimmers take up a nice neat rectangle and make for a more efficient use of space. We have found all of the Skimz skimmers to be particularly quiet. We have tested many models and these are amongst the quietest of all of them. We have also brought in the whole line of media reactors, calcium reactors, and other tools. Be sure to check them out as well! Connect with us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BulkReefSupply Check out our pics on Instagram: http://instagram.com/bulkreefsupply