开始一个礁槽可以是如此令人兴奋和艰巨的如果你不知道从哪里开始。Bulkreefsupply.com我们发出有趣和容易,所以对于那些新帆我们认为我们将向您展示如何轻松地建立一个20加仑海水水族馆,我们创建了一个与所需的一切工具。步骤1:设置罐我将使用这个新的坦克装备包括一个20加仑Nuvo来说坦克从创新海洋但你可以应用在这个视频的信息基本上任何类似大小的坦克,尤其是Nuvo来说线设计在使事情容易更新的冷藏和有吸引力的同时。坦克是一个圆滑的设计,很容易设置和带有LED灯,溢出和过滤列。坚固的桌子或灶台上的水族馆。增加岩石完全取决于个人喜好,但试图堆栈的岩石,是几英寸远离顶部和侧面的坦克。倒在你的沙子和均匀分布在岩石和底部的槽。第二步:混合盐水混合盐水是容易的。乐柏美蛮品牌垃圾桶是最常见的礁混合盐水用于安全的容器。只是把盐添加到水和浏览包含的工具称为折射计测量盐度。 The scale inside measures salt in parts per thousand or specific gravity. More or less just dissolve the salt, add a few drops of water to the window, close, wait 20 seconds or so and look through the eye piece. It should read 35ppt or 1.026. Once you have the correct salinity use the included dechlorinator to make the water safe for the tank. Step 3: Get Familiar with the Back of the Tank While you are waiting for the salt to dissolve, take a moment to check all the tubing connections on the pump and get familiar with the back of the tank. This area in the back is used to house equipment like pumps, filters and heaters where they are out of the way. Go ahead and mount the heater, make sure it is placed fairly low so it will stay submerged at all times. Once you have everything situated pour your mixed saltwater and plug everything in. Since we are dealing with water the ideal outlet has a GFI like one you would find in a bathroom or kitchen or a power strip with a GFI built in. Step 4: Install your Lights The Fusion 20 comes with two LED lights that easily attach. That's it. Step 5: Cycle your Tank Cycling your tank allows beneficial bacteria to multiply. We've included our Reef Saver rock in this kit, which is 100% free of nuisance algae and pest organisms, and greatly reduces the time it takes for your tank to cycle. Let the tank sit overnight and heat up. The next morning add the Bio-Spira, this will make your tank ready for your first fish. We recommend a hardy fish like a clownfish. Then give your tank a month stabilize with the lights off before adding anything new. Keeping the lights off will help reduce algae growth that are common with new tanks. As a general rule, it is wise to never more than double your fish load in a single month meaning next month add another fish and possibly two the month after. Step 6: Choose your Tank Inhabitants Choose fish that will help you be successful: clownfish, purple or red fire fish, shrimp and goby pairs, lawnmower or midas blennys or an orchid dotty back. Once the tank is stabilized around your fish population,you can add snails, crabs and shrimp. Nassarious and astria snails are popular as well as small hermits, emerald crabs, cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp and pistol shrimp. The LED lights that come with the aquarium are strong enough to keep some low light corals, as a beginner is also wise to select some that don't require much effort like soft or even some LPS corals. Zoanthids, mushrooms, ricordea, polyps, candy canes, duncan, torch and frog spawn. Step 7: Tank Maintenance It is wise to feed the fish only a small amount. Overfeeding can easily pollute the tank and cause algae growth. Due to evaporation, you will need to top off the tank with freshwater every couple of days. We recommend distilled or reverse osmosis water. Keeping the glass clean with a glass cleaner and performing a partial water change - say, 5 gallons every other week. Step 8: Enjoy Your New Saltwater Aquarium!