//www.tcretreat.com/tank-maintenance-salt-mix.html今天BRStv我们释放第一个柜更新BRS 160。我们会讨论无意识的能力,看看一个不幸的发现我们在BRS 160。我想很多人可能避免共享这样的我们遇到了一系列的挑战,因为BRS团队应该是完美的对吧?好开放和诚实的,没有所谓的完美礁坦克,只是追求完美,我认为更有价值比听力听无穷无尽的最佳实践是现实世界的情况下,我们遇到一个挑战,希望听到我们如何处理它可以帮助所有的你的个人追求完美礁。尽管我所说我们最大的努力,我们发现蒙蒂nudi吃的在160年的一个害虫更难处理。所以他们是怎么进来的?尽管我们有珊瑚从受信任的供应商,很可笑也小心当添加所有的珊瑚,蘸起积极的剂量的拜耳,闪亮登场了,检查尽我们最大的能力。不知怎么一个裸鳃亚目动物让它过去,但更可能几乎微观卵囊进入油箱。一些珊瑚来回几次从碎片弹系统,我确实用了一些住岩石废墟zoanthid坐骑从一个不同的系统所以单一nudi或者蛋袋可以以各种不同的方式介绍了。如果要我猜这是一个收集的野生或海水养殖珊瑚和至少一个卵囊,因为它很可能一个成年人通过拜耳的浓度下降,延伸长度下降,在多个冲洗水桶后剧烈的飕飕声。 I am guessing it came in on a wild or maricultured coral that came out of the ocean because it’s simply more likely than coming from an aquaculture facility that grows small frags. While it is certainly possible that an aquaculture facility could get a pest like this, the nature of how these closed systems run with tightly packed corals means the population of a pest like this will often have explosive growth which is noticed rapidly and the existence of these aquaculture facilities requires intense dedication to procedures and protocols which prevent pests from entering the systems. To reefers, pests are the enemy of corals and to aquaculture facilities are the enemy of profits. At the end of the day these facilities are going to be the most careful about pests. That’s just an impossibility or at least not practical with corals that come out of the ocean and held in large containment systems with a constant churn of new corals. While different vendors will implement different prevention procedures, particularly in relation to the adults there is no way you can spot every single microscopic egg sac on wild collected or ocean maricultured corals. So all that said that single adult or egg sac could have come from almost anywhere, I’m just making a likely guess. *Legal Stuff* The purpose and content of this video is to provide general information regarding the products and their applications as presented in the video. Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.